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Is my data safe if I order online prescriptions?

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Umoja Pharmacy Privacy Policy Welcome to Umoja Pharmacy, a wholesale and retail Pharmaceutical service provider partner with Melian Software Company ltd. Definitions; a. Umoja Pharmaceuticals Ltd, i.e referred to as ‘’Umoja Pharmacy’’ a legally registered wholesale and Retail Pharmaceutical company under the laws and regulations of the United Republic of Tanzania. The company is certified and regulated by TMDA and Pharmacy Council as custodians of all pharmaceutical guidelines in the country. b. Melian Software Company Ltd, i.e referred to as ‘’Melian Software’’ a dully registered ICT services provider company under the laws and regulations of the United Republic of Tanzania. Melian Software Company Ltd, the custodian of the e-Commerce platform used by Umoja Pharmaceutical Ltd for day-to-day operations of providing B2B and B2C services.

Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, use, disclose and otherwise process your information when you use Umoja Pharmacy platforms i.e website and mobile applications (together, the “Platforms”), our mobile and desktop apps (the “Apps”) and all related sites, players, widgets, tools, apps, data, software, APIs and other online services provided by Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software (the “Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to any Website, App, or Service that refers to this Privacy Policy, i.e. by linking to it. Information relating to our use of cookies and similar technologies is set out in our Cookie Policy, which forms part of the Privacy Policy. When we refer to the Privacy Policy, we are referring to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Please take some time to read this Privacy Policy, along with our Terms of Use, in order to ensure you understand and are comfortable with our use and disclosure of your personal information. If you see an undefined term in this Privacy Policy, it has the same meaning given to it in our Terms of Use. Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the Website, Apps and Services (together, the “Platform”). When using the Platform, you may find links to other websites, apps and services, or tools that enable you to share information with other websites, apps and services. Umoja Pharmacy is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites, apps and services and we recommend that you review the privacy policies of each of these websites, apps or services before connecting your Umoja Pharmacy account or sharing any personal data. If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Platform. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us through dataprotection@Umoja Pharmacy.net.

Data Controllers When this policy mentions “Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software entities that is responsible for your information under this Privacy Policy (the “Data Controller”). • If you are located in the United Republic of Tanzania, Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software are the Data Controller of your personal data provided to, or collected by or for, or processed in connection with, our Platform; • If you are located outside the United States, Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software are the Data Controller of your personal data provided to, or collected by or for, or processed in connection with, our Platform; • We may share your data within our corporate group of companies that are related by common ownership or control (“Umoja Pharmaceuticals”) and ‘’Melian Pharmacy’’ on behalf. Our Privacy Principles Umoja Pharmacy and Melian Software are committed to putting its users first and believes you should know what data we collect about you, why we collect it, and how we use and share it. That’s why we’ve designed this Privacy Policy to give you simple, clear, and actionable information about our privacy and data protection practices. We believe users should also have meaningful choices over the data we collect, use and share as described in this Privacy Policy, your Settings. We encourage you to take full advantage of these tools. Read More Here: https://umojapharmaceuticals.co.tz/articleDetails/eyJpdiI6Iml6dnNPUWc4WVd2WkFabUdidEdTOWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiWnByRExRWGRvbDljU0dQcElaU0RKZz09IiwibWFjIjoiYmMyMzMxZWY4NzBkZDAzNjM1Mzk3Y2U4NDZjNDlhYzllNzUxYjU3NzlhOTQ0MGM4NWViZmNiMDQyY2RiMDA2ZiIsInRhZyI6IiJ9

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